第98辑北京仲裁 目录

发布时间: Thu Feb 09 18:48:04 CST 2017





多层次争议解决条款可执行性研究                      /钱 

国际投资仲裁裁决的救济类型分析--兼论非金钱性救济在国际投资仲裁裁决中的运用                                    /王艺琳

国际投资仲裁中企业行为归因于国家的认定标准及其实践--以White Industries Australia Limited v. Republic of India案为视角  /崇雨晨

对仲裁案件中律师不当行为的处罚                      /廖博宇

论国际投资仲裁的透明度例外及我国的应对              /濮云涛

国际商事仲裁中的实体法律适用研究--以对比分析中外仲裁法、仲裁规则、仲裁裁决为基础                                 /时振平

《合同法》第402条、第403条在仲裁中的适用             / 

仲裁员公正性的保障--以仲裁员披露义务为视角          /陈博闻

紧急仲裁员裁判执行机制问题研究                      /林  强

仲裁程序开始的设置及其必要性分析                     /刘晓清

仲裁地程序法下仲裁庭的裁量空间                        /刘  勇

国际商事仲裁保密性的弱化                              /毛  檬

仲裁条款独立性再认识--在合同效力规则中的解读         /温长庆



Special Report: Winning Papers for the     BAC/BIAC Cup National Collegiate Commercial Arbitration Writing Contest


Editor’s Note

1. Analysis on the Enforceability of Muti-tiered Dispute Resolution Clauses                                             /Qian Jin

2. On the Remedy Types of International Investment Arbitration Award——The Application of Non-pecuniary Remedy in International Investment Arbitration Award                         /Wang Yilin

3. The standard and practice of enterprise behaviors attributed to states in international investment arbitrations: From the perspective of White Industries Australia Limited v. Republic of India case   /Chong Yuchen

4. Sanctions against misbehaving of counsel in arbitration   /Liao Boyu

5. Analysis of Exceptions of Transparency in International Investment Arbitration and Measures in China                      /Pu Yuntao

6. On the Applicable Law in International Commercial Arbitration: Comparing the Arbitration Law, Arbitration Rules and Arbitration Awards in China and Foreign Countries                      /Shi Zhenping

7. Application of the Article 402 and 403 of Contract Law in Arbitration
                                                  /Wang Jian

8. The Guarantee of the Arbitrator’s Justice--- In the Perspective of the Arbitrator’s Disclosure Duty                        /Chen Bowen

9. Research on Enforcement Mechanism for the Emergency Arbitrator’s Decisions                                          /Lin Qiang

10 The Commencement of Arbitration’ Setup and its Necessity        
                                                /Liu Xiaoqing

11. Discretion Exercised by the Tribunal under Lex Fori      /Liu Yong

121. The Weakening of Confidentiality in International Commercial Arbitration                                         /Mao Meng

13. Reconsideration on independence of arbitration clauses based on analysis of contract effectiveness rules               /Wen Changqing

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